Shashi Saurav

Shashi Saurav

Director – Sales & Marketing at Salesbabu CRM

Skype ID : shashisaurav

Shahsi Saurav is the Director – Sales @ SalesBabu CRM specializes in helping Startup & SME grow their business on the web while facilitating the connectivity between local businesses. Earned reputation by building (and rebuilding) entire sales programs from the bottom up. Helped many companies and individuals from small to enterprise create dramatic and sustainable revenue growth.

Being a long standing CRM practitioner, covering sales, marketing, service, collaboration, customer engagement and experience. With years of experience, gained the ability to translate business needs into technology solutions that add value. In my successful leadership positions and consulting engagements I have initiated, designed and implemented transformational change and delivered mission critical systems.

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Choosing the Right Distribution Management System for your business

Distribution Management System: Making A Right Choice For Your Business

A distribution management system software is very important for every business organization or company as it

Top 6 Reasons to invest in E-commerce

6 Reasons you should invest in E-commerce

What is E-commerce?  E-commerce also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce refers to the buying

Mobile Sales Quoting App

Mobile Sales Quoting Apps: Solution to flourish your business

Business quoting is a necessary sales activity of any company which takes up the sales bandwidth;