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Improve your Sales Process

Many customers assume a CRM software as a tool for storing customer data at a common location. Have you ever thought of how a sales management CRM software can be effectively used to streamline sales process and in turn increase sales productivity!

SalesBabu Sales management CRM software is one of the most trusted automated sales force management software which can optimise business processes and manage customer interaction for the organisations.

As part of the SalesBabu CRM numerous implementations, there is a clear relationship between CRM integration to effectively handling leads, increasing customer satisfaction by timely support & service, and increased sales revenue. Most of our customers felt productivity has increased as a direct result.

Salesbabu automated sales force management tool is user friendly, ease to use, correct map to sales process, efficient, reduction in time spent on non-sales activities, giving more time to sell, integrates & collaborates all teams.

The major challenge with CRM integration is to make sure that the sales management software rollout is done in a careful way so as not to lose out on the current pace and company’s process & values. One of the most productive ways in which a SalesBabu CRM customer is instantly benefited is by moving all manual processes to automated cloud based software system, saving time and centralized data view leading to enhanced management decision.

SalesBabu sales management CRM software provides a full 360 degree view of the customer leading to better customer learning, helping in better customer service resulting in repeat orders and referrals.

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Let’s discuss some of the other advantages of moving onto a sales automation software like Salesbabu and how can it benefit our sales process productivity.

Features of CRM software to improve sales

Centralised Sales database

SalesBabu CRM enables businesses to have a cloud based centralised database to store complete information on its clients, prospective leads and future clients. With this integrated database, the sales and marketing team can organise the whole sales process and create more targeted campaigns with complete information on customer interest and shopping  trends.

Read More – Grow your Business Faster with SalesBabu Contact Management Software

Lead Management 

SalesBabu sales automation software can integrate with various third party vendors, social media websites and other modes of communication to collect and record interested clients from different sources and add them at a centralised repository. Once we understand the complete information on the clients, further lead filtering and management can be done by segregating bogus leads and nurturing only positive prospective clients for the business.

Read More – Win more Customers with Lead Management Software

Automated Quotation Management

Automated sales force management software aids companies to generate quick quotations, sales orders and other sales documents to finalise and close sales deal better and in more efficient ways. Every quotation and sales order amendments are recorded for final discussions and to understand the details of sales deal conversions.

Read More – Quotation Management Software

Mobile Features

Mobile sales app feature in SalesBabu CRM helps in providing on the move facilities to the sales and marketing team. This feature helps the sales team to provide support to its client at a different time and location by installing these apps on their mobile and other smart gadgets. Sales and marketing team can share presentation, sales orders, final deal documents and more while on the go and complete faster and more productive sales deals for the business.

Read More – Mobile Apps to Transform CRM: Know How

MIS reports

MIS reports is another very efficient feature of salesBabu Sales automation software which enables the sales team to create various inbuilt and custom reports for product demand and data analysis for various details within the organisation. This also helps the sales heads to create various forecast and futuristic plans for the overall development of the sale process in the firm.

Read More – MIS: Now Get All Your Reports Just by a Single Click

Sales Analytics 

Sales analytics is one of the most valuable features of CRM software. Users will be able to create better sales campaigns in the future by analyzing the data of the previous campaigns. CRM software will help you to collect all the data from different platforms such as social media, websites,  polls and then analyze it with the help of the CRM software.

Sales forecasting 

The major part of CRM is determining a metric for success. Forecasting sales will let you create a benchmark by which you can determine whether your results are on par with your efforts. You can also use all this data to determine where you need to direct your future efforts.

Workflows and approvals 

One of the ways in which your company can instantly increase efficiency is by optimizing the workflows. CRMs will facilitate optimization by automating the process such as data collection, analysis of data, marketing campaigns, and also other tasks which were previously done manually. They will also offer reporting and analytics to help users to identify the problematic areas in order to improve them. 

File sync and share 

CRM software features as the synchronization platforms for much of your outside programs. Upload the emails from outlook, sync with Google drive, import spreadsheets, and still more. Because of the sharing features of CRM software, you will be able to view all of your features set on one platform.

Steps to successfully Implement a CRM for the organisation.

  • Expectations from the CRM tool

SalesBabu automated cloud based software has user friendly features and ease of use which has helped companies in faster, easier and smoother implementation.

Choosing the right CRM application is a very important factor for any business model. Understanding your pain areas and process limitation help to understand the expectation from any new software and sets the correct set of requirements for CRM rollouts.

  • CRM support

The CRM vendor should provide a good knowledgeable implementation team. SalesBabu support & implementation team provides a disciplined approach leading to faster successful implementation so that customers can start seeing the benefits as quickly as possible.

SalesBabu support and implementation team creates a systematic plan for training, online sessions and other CRM implementation requirements to handle pain areas and employee queries with utmost criticality to provide a more efficient CRM integration plan.

Read More – Transform your business with CRM software

  • Organizational commitment/Management trust

The organization and its management should be committed for the implementation of CRM system. All managers should be well versed with the advantages of every aspect of a sales management software and project the same with the extended team who is ready to implement CRM software for a regular use. Most affected employees like sales and marketing team, admin users and more should be given special handsome sessions with the software to make sure they have a sound and complete knowledge of the new features being implemented as part of their regular jobs.

Employees should be made aware of the different functionalities of the sales automation software and how would it be useful to them at an individual level and convince them that adaptation to these software changes are for the betterment and improved productivity of each employee. 

  • Open to changes

The implementing organization should be open to new ideas, new technologies and methodologies. In many traditional businesses, CRM implementation fails majorly due to the restriction of employees to adhere to new changes and enhancement of technology.

Before the CRM implementations, employees with traditional methods of work culture should be made aware of the advantages of sales automation software and its numerous advantages to the company.

  • Decision making

This is quite important and any system should provide input to the management with centralized quality data for decision making. Management heads and sales leads should be well aware of the advantages the implementation and should make sure a smooth implementation of CRM rollout by using various reports and statistics which will help in better planning and data forecasting.


SalesBabu CRM is the most trusted sales process automation software in India, which provides overall business management and sales process automation facilities.

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