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Win more Customers with Lead Management Software

In a world of internet and technology, today’s customers have endless choices and vast access to knowledge for deciding on which software to select for their business needs. With many options in hand, a business owner needs a software which not only understands its company’s requirement but also takes care of its customer relationship. A versatile CRM software like SalesBabuCRM, will give a end-to-end support system for all sectors of economic business.

SalesbabuCRM has a well defined Lead Management system, along with efficient customer service facilities. Starting with lead generation to after sales support, along with excellent customer care support, SalesBabuCRM helps to achieve the peak of your business success.

Let’s understand in detail how its lead Management system can win more customers for your business.

What is Lead Management?

Lead Management : SalesBabucom

Lead management is a set of methodologies, process, or practices designed to generate new potential business clients, through various sales and marketing campaigns.

Why is Lead Management Important?

Lead Management is a systematic approach to manage our lead life cycle and follow a fixed process to focus on prospective leads that are likely to bring more business. In this way, we can optimize our sales and marketing efforts and close more deals for the company.

What is a CRM Lead Management software?

A CRM lead management software is a one stop solution for all lead and sales life cycle requirements. A lead management software can easily store all the details of the customers and prospects in an integrated cloud based database. Once you have entered the lead or enquiry details in the software then you can make various task and activities according to your interaction with the prospective client. These task and auto assignment helps track and convert a lead to a profitable client to the business.

How can a CRM Lead Management software help our business to grow?

During the conventional sales lead management, monitoring and following up on lead information were dependent on spreadsheets and documents. Such outdated methods mostly lead to an ineffective approach to prospective customer monitoring, resulting in significant lead leakages and dissatisfied customers because of delays in lead response times.

Numerous Lead Management tools and CRM Lead Management systems in the market now provide automated functionalities to smoothen manual and constant tasks within teams. Automated forms for gathering the customer contact information, along with a comprehensive analysis of their interested products and preferences, can be documented in a cloud-based database available and updatable in real-time. Such automations encourages the sales team members to input contact information as soon as a lead is reported, automatically assigning it to the respective sales representative for further follow-up. Such significantly minimize the entire lead response times and mitigates complaints related to lead leakage.

Sales lead trackers consistently monitor several interaction channels that are the company’s website, social media, online discussions, blogs, and more. This enables the monitoring of interested leads and adds them to the lead database for the sales team members to pursue further. These trackers also make sure that consistent updates on the company’s products are sent to interested clients and track their responses for potential leads. Furthermore, several automated workflows for lead monitoring and follow-ups can be built up utilizing these automated services in lead management tools, supporting the sales team members in monitoring the upcoming appointments and creating some marketing and sales strategies accordingly.

Such an automated and systematic procedure of lead generation and contact updating supports in managing the consistent contact with prospective leads while delivering complete information on their geographical and behavioral preferences. Depending on the prospect’s areas of interest, our sales team members can build customized marketing campaigns, promoting a positive impression and a more approving response from clients regarding our company’s strategies.

  • Seamless lead distribution

With an automated system for lead assignment, every sales representative is assigned a prospective lead based on region or specific qualifications. These auto assignments parameters can be predefined by the sales manager or admin to give more preferences to efficient and productive closure of leads. With these auto assignments, lead conversion time will be considerably reduced with increased productively from the sales and marketing team.

Auto notification facilities in these lead tracking softwares will keep the customer, sales managers and other stakeholders well informed on the status of an enquiry or lead query. With these addons, leads are not left unattended at any time and sales managers are well informed on his team’s workload.

Customers are regularly sent update mails with company’s web page links, demo videos, blog details and more to make sure that leads are continuously kept aware of our company’s products and services. These Addon facilities help a lot in cases of small business models and startups, to educate customers on their company’s policies and whereabouts.

These auto assignments in CRM management tool, helps the sales team to keep a track on their assigned work and make productive plan to resolve lead conversion faster.

Task Management constitutes the most important part of the lead conversion, following up with customers and making a schedule for the next meeting or interaction with the client will decide on the next step for our lead tracking status. With auto reminders and alert in the lead management system will help the sales team to plan for their day’s work and provide productive lead closure. Lead tracking software helps sales representatives to sort out interested and dead leads based on these follow-up discussions and track them accordingly for further course of action.

As per the follow-up discussions, sales reps can update the lead notes with the discussion details and next work items for upcoming interactions. These notes will help the sales manager and marketing teams to make customer specific demos and presentations based on the client’s preferences.

These lead management tool also help in creating customer specific quotations for interested products and also automating currency conversion and discount calculations while sending products estimated price details.

Sales Lead trackers will collect various data regarding the client interest by monitoring the web pages, blogs and social media post shared and visited by the clients. Once we feed these details a centralised database, reports can be generated to understand the generic preferences of the customer which will help to create more client centric marketing campaigns.

Management information system(MIS) in Lead tracking system like SalesBabuCRM helps to generate many automated reports and metrics which can be used to monitor day-to-day performance and efficiency of lead conversions. Sales managers can create various customised reports to track their team and also plan for more futuristic policies for better lead management.

According to studies from Bain and company, 5% of customer retention can increase a company’s profitability by 95%, with reports on existing customer’s details like association duration,transaction history, product and services purchased and more.These reports can help us to understand the criticality of the customer based on which can send them promotional offers, discounts and other perks. These reports can also generate statistics about the customer’s reviews and feedbacks on social media and our website which helps us to understand their pain points and appreciated areas. This will give us insight on how to continue to retain and maintain our customer relationship with loyal customers.

  • Software Integration

In today’s world, every customer needs a one click solution for his business management tools. In traditional CRM solutions, businesses had to send emails and sms through individual mail engines and keep monitoring the status of the leads and maintain excel sheets to track follow-up mails and lead progress.

With cloud based Sales lead management softwares, email, sms, live chats engines are integrated with CRM softwares,which helps in monitoring lead status and updates in realtime and considerably reduce lead conversion rate.

These integration methods in sales lead tracker helps in monitoring clients through social media and other modes of communication to understand their product interest and software preferences.

Once we understand that a client is interested in our products and ready to avail our services we will continue to nurture the lead by sending our quotations and product specifications along with details of company’s policies and after sales facilities. Lead Management free demos are provided to the customers to make them aware of software facilities and advantages.

Once a sales order is confirmed and we finalize on our product delivery, a lead tracking software will update the final sales order details along with the delivery process for the client to keep a track of different delivery agreements done with that client.

CRM softwares like SalesBabuCRM also provide after sales support like Inventory and ERP management which helps to provide end-to-end support for any business requirement.

Also, CRM lead management process provides customer care support for new and existing client with various functionalities of a secure and automated helpdesk system.

Winding up:

Lead management helps to create a systematic and process oriented approach to convert a lead to a prospective client, but just following the lead management process won’t be enough to maximise your business sales. A good Sales lead management software like SalesbabuCRM  can provide your business a end-to-end support for lead conversion as well as after sales support. Hence if you want to maximise your business returns and acquire more customers your definite choice should be a good CRM Software support like SalesbabuCRM.