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Service CRM Software in UPS/Inverters Business

Globally the company’s needs uninterrupted power supply and inverters and UPS industries are providing the solution and it is growing enormously. The inverters and UPS market in India, which has experienced a huge growth in recent years, demand and supply is also managed but the after sales service is the concern. Inverter and UPS maintenance is provided by principal companies as well the private service providers. Companies are looking for the maintenance of the inverter and UPS in time, so that work is not getting stuck. 

The UPS /inverters business revolves around not only sales management, but also effective after sales service by prompt complaints handling and response. The ever increasing demand of the customer and the necessity to render service at the call has given rise to the need of an hour that is an EFFECTIVE & UNCOMPLICATED after sales service software.

Technical support executives are engaged in managing the complaints, maintenance of the systems, and repairing of the UPS/inverters with the customer satisfaction. Service technicians responsibilities include diagnosing and repairing the systems as and when there is a breakdown call. They have to be on the field and their presence will make the company provide proper, intime service to the new and existing loyal customers. 

SalesBabu online AMC management software is one such amazing software, which not only manages and schedules complaints or calls, but also maintains the records of every activity attended by the service technicians and provides dedicated reports pertaining to each and every information fed inside the software.

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The cloud computing based online AMC management services offered by  SalesBabu is an easy-to-use platform for the sales and after sales service people. The user of the AMC management system is able to login either to the computer desktop or laptop or over a mobile CRM App. Over an AMC reporter informative homepage, which reveals all the information regarding the customers systems – ending warranties, AMCs, and much more information helping the service technician to work around. This helps the user to schedule necessary follow ups with the clients.

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Benefits Of SalesBabu Service CRM Software in UPS/ Inverter Industry Vertical

  • Installations of each product wise: Before scheduling the Installation of the product, it requires technical expertise to analyse the process of doing the installation. Information on what product the customer has placed an order, product has been received by the customer. AMC reporter helps to schedule an activity, call and confirm with the customer if the site is ready for an installation. If everything is intact, then the technician ensures he is ready with all the standard installation practices done across the process. Installation of the UPS/inverter will vary depending on the location, material specifications, site readiness, materials availability – wires, cables, area to be covered, batteries, sanction of the power from the governing bodies, etc. Moreover if any kind of mistake during the installation either wrong wiring, UPS/inverter placing at wrong place, any kind of short circuits, non availability of the spares or  it got consumed, etc. then it will be delayed. Hence the technician to be well prepared before leaving to the installation, so that no delay and intime installation is completed. Customer feedback and installation report to be filled and acknowledged. 
  • AMC management/PMS due: Manufacturing companies provide the maintenance service to their loyal customers for the products purchased. This service of maintenance may be chargeable or free. AMC means Annual maintenance contract and PMS means Preventive maintenance service. In the AMC companies they charge fixed amounts from the customers or companies depending on the product sold to them. PMS is the scheduled support given to the customers who are under warranty or AMC – to avoid the breakdown of the system. With the AMC management system, periodical services are provided, either for domestic products or commercial products. 
  • Complaints locked directly in the CRM: Online AMC Management Services is used by the service oriented business to streamline the service and support. The complaints getting registered by the customers can be over a website, inbound call, through the social CRM, many channels are helping the customers to register complaints. Those complaints can be registered into the CRM either manually or integrating those channels. 
  • Service engineers/technicians scheduling: Online AMC management software provides the service engineers/technicians to schedule their daily service call tasks. A service call  registering and scheduling with alerts takes a few minutes, which technicians can access over an CRM mobile App while they are on the field. Service engineers/technicians can access information related to the customer – AMC contract details, product information – when it was purchased and is it under warranty or AMC renewed or not. Service engineers work on their schedules and update the same after the completion of the task. This is helping service engineers/technicians to increase the number of service calls intelligently and have the productivity in their service calls. 
  • Reminders/alerts through email/SMS: The option of reminders or alerts through the email/SMS available in AMC management system. These kinds of alerts are defined in the time limit. The purpose of the alerts to mark service engineers/technicians, so that they are keeping themselves on toes and encouraging them to complete the scheduled task in the possible way to enhance their productivity. Reminders/alerts are sent for the scheduled tasks, meetings and follow ups in regard to the sales or service related calls. Reminders/alerts through email/SMS are received as reminders on or before the due time.
  • Complaint Escalation feature: In the companies the customer complaints policy and Escalation matrix is necessary and it is usually the expression of dissatisfaction by the customer in regard to the product, service or quality. In the online AMC management software escalation matrix can be specified, wherein it helps internally. Customer complaints are good for the business, reason when a customer is not happy with a product or complaint is not been attended by the technicians, to keep track and making aware the higher authorities in the company so that they try to assign technician to resolve the complaint. Escalations matrix is maintained to take the customer concern seriously, to retain them as loyal customers. 

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  • Product & accessories Details (serial no, type, ref id etc): when a product and accessories are sold to the customers, details (serial no, type, ref id etc) used for identification and inventory purposes. With the help of AMC management system, it allows a company to identify said product is under warranty or not, AMC still exists or expired. This helps the technicians to search the product status and provide the support to the customer.
  • Spare parts/Accessories used: While the service engineers/technicians are on service call and if there is a damage or not working component, which has to be replaced with the spare parts / accessories looking into the status of the complaint – under warranty or non warranty, AMC active or expired. It also helps in having the additional information either it is to be exchanged or replaced with the suitable product, so that the customers are satisfied and able to retain them as a loyal customer.
  • Closed /open/ On hold complaints: In the online AMC management software, company service team can manage the complaints open, closed or on hold. Open complaints are the tickets which got registered against the complaint given by the customer. The AMC management system complaint has been marked as an open complaint. The said open complaint to be attended by the service team. During the ongoing process of the complaint it’s status has changed as on-hold due to the complaint is yet to be resolved. On  resolve of the complaint the ticket status is changed to the closed complaint status. 
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  • Reports on spares consumed, closed complaints, PMS ,AMC etc.: Customer reports in regard to the spares consumed during the complaints, status and the remarks of the closed complaints, related to the PMS and AMC, all these are very necessary reports for the service head and the management. Helping to keep track of the technicians service calls, which allows management to identify what type of complaints have been registered and which all areas for an improvement, planning workload distribution as per the skills and schedules the task to the support team. The purpose of the reports is to have the feedback as per the data fed into the AMC management system, to make better decisions and to streamline the service team productivity.


True customer service can be rendered to the loyal customers, by having a close monitoring of all open complaints & individual task assignments amongst the service engineers or technicians or mechanics. SalesBabu AMC reporter provides the proper information capturing of the customer complaint and detail about the action taken, during the follow ups and till a complaint is resolved. The job card can be provided to keep the customer feedback column too. These features not only improve the productivity of the service team, but also ensure of providing good quality service. Dedicated customer care service builds great rapport between the company & the customers.