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Online Lead Management Software | SalesBabu CRM Software

What is a lead? 

A Lead is an individual or an organisation who have shown interest in what you are selling but have not yet made a purchase of your product or service. The interest here refers to providing contact number, email ID or social media username. 

Leads are the essential factors of the organisation as they contribute to the growth of your business. Once you start up a new business, you will have a handful of customers but once your business starts to grow the number of leads start increasing accordingly. And once your leads starts increasing, your sales reps will find it difficult to manage the leads with manual entries in sheets. 

Enquiries received by a business convert into leads after first integration; these are the initials inputs in any sales process. To convert a lead into deal, you need to secure a proper Lead management system for your business unit. 

Read our blog –  Convert More Leads to Customers

So, what is Lead Management? 

Lead management is a process of documenting and classifying prospective customers based on individual actions and sales reps touches. Lead tracking helps your business to find the best lead source analysis in order to enhance your brand image and increase the revenue of your business firm. 

Stages of Lead Management System Process 

  1. Lead capture automation 
  2. Lead tracking 
  3. Lead distribution 
  4. Lead qualification 
  5. Lead nurturing 

To know more in detail, click here

Benefits of Lead Tracking Software 

  1. Management of sales process is easy 
  2. Converts more leads into sales
  3. Delegates leads to right individuals for fast processing 
  4. Generates lead performance reports with MIS
  5. Provides valuable insights about prospects
  6. Prioritizing of leads based on interests and needs 
  7. Eliminates excess time consumption 
  8. Measures ROI (Return on Investment)
  9. Predicts the closure of particular lead 

SalesBabu CRM Lead Tracker  is specifically designed for all vendors which makes the process easy and convenient to store new leads, capture existing leads and tracks the future sales prospects. It is a very crucial task because a nurtured lead can turn out to be great revenue for any type of set up.

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SalesBabu Online Lead Management Software Features

1. Leads Database

Lead Management App Software helps you to capture all the generated lead in one cloud platform including the customer’s interest pertaining to particular product or services. It helps you to have all the records of generated leads with their nature and interest for future references as well.

2. Leads Source

Lead Tracking Software helps you to track down your lead sources which help your marketing team to manage their campaigns for leads generation & second to your sales team, who will come to know how customers inquired about their product or service.

3. Leads Assignments

Lead Tracker App helps you to assign leads to different individuals on one platform simultaneously. You can assign as many as leads to your sales team very easily, without any unexpected confusions or hurdles, so that they can do all justice to the leads.

4. Leads Management

Lead Management Software helps you to filter all your leads according to their priorities and interests. With the scope for future follow ups & sales pipeline, it helps your sales team to evaluate their leads database according to their degree of interest and thus helps in future closures.

5. Leads Follow Ups

Lead Management software helps you to make a funnel of overall leads and allows yours sales force to make necessary follow ups of day to day activities on one single platform, which enhances the probability of more closures and more revenue generation for the business.

6. Lead Qualification

Lead Management software helps you in the qualification of interested lead. It tells the prospective opportunities for sales which helps your sales department to draw effective focus on the leads and moreover helps to decide to take all necessary majors & efforts to close a fruitful deals.

7. Avoid lead leakage

Generating the leads is very difficult. Converting all these leads is a tough task. Under the circumstances like this, one must take care to avoid any leakage of the leads. This might have some dangerous outcomes because it might result in the loss of business opportunities. Right lead management software will take care of all these facets very well.

8. Lead activities planning

Planning of lead activities is important in order to convert them into leads. This automation software will plan your follow-up calls and visits. This will generate the activity updates and analyze your automatic sales reports with the help of this lead management software.

9. Lead email, sms and voice communication

The key to all types of business is effective communication. Your customers and the sales team need email alerts. This software will also enable all the communication channels by sending emails to leads, SMS, and also voice messages.

10. Lead automation 

The most important benefit of lead management software is which will automatically capture the leads. Online lead management software will capture the leads and forward these leads to the CRM inbox where the distribution and the assignment will take place.

Read our blog- 5 ways to close more deals with CRM software

SalesBabu Lead Tracking App

SalesBabu Lead Tracking App: Everything On Your Fingertips

A lead tracking app helps you to capture sales productivity and also makes customer satisfied. It also helps the organisation to be organised. There are also other software options which consume a lot of time, effort and money to implement. But if you invest in a cloud based CRM Software which comes with a lead tracking app, your work becomes easier and quicker. With the help of the lead tracker you can stay updated all the time. 

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Read our blog – Why You Should Invest In CRM Software


So now you might be wondering that we gave you so much information about the lead management software, but how do you choose the best Lead Management Software for your business? 

Before you choose the Best Sales Lead Management Software for you business, you need to make a blueprint of your business requirements and lead management process. You can get numerous vendors in the market, but choosing the right vendor who is able to provide you the right software that suits your business requirements is very important. 

CRM comes with various other functionalities that helps the business to work efficiently and also helps to achieve organisational goals with smartwork.  You can use the best CRM which is basically a cloud based CRM application to work smartly. If you have not yet got one, then feel free to request for a free demo on our website You will surely not regret the use of Cloud based CRM software for your business. 

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