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7 Key advantages of Education CRM Software

An investment in education pays the best interest! – Benjamin Franklin. 

What is an educational institution?

An educational institution is a place where individuals of different age groups gain education. They provide huge variety of learning experience and learning environment for its students. These educational institutions are divided into few levels like – preschool, primary school, secondary school and post secondary. 

Understanding Educational CRM

Educational CRM software is created to simplify and automate interactions within educational institutions, encompassing students, employees, donors, and several stakeholders. The main aim of these institutions is to provide quality education and reach every student who is interested in pursuing education. An educational CRM system plays an important role in handling qualified leads.

In these institutions, there are many challenges that arise, like student inquiries, tracking future reference fee payments, handling admissions processes, and managing internal faculty records. SalesBabu EduCRM software helps to solve these problems and enhance operational efficiency.

Given the significant investments made by educational sectors, a focus on the business aspect becomes necessary. SalesBabu EduCRM is customized to deliver institutions with deeper awareness into student information, internal employee dynamics, and faculty members, ultimately improving productivity. The functionalities of SalesBabu EduCRM involve:

  • Enhancing the Conversion Rates
  • Improving Admissions and Enrollment Informations
  • Improving the Student Relationships with the Institute
  • Document Management, involving the storing received documents and reminders about awaiting documents
  • Lead Source Monitoring
  • Tracking Courses with the Most Queries
  • Managing Course/University Informations with Fee Structures
  • Real-time MIS Reports and Analytical Information, accessible from anywhere

By implementing SalesBabu EduCRM, educational institutions can not only gain knowledge about the operational obstacles but also optimize their processes to pay attention to delivering high-quality education and encouraging some meaningful relationships with students and stakeholders.

Read our blog – Manage Time more Efficiently

7 Advantages of Education CRM software are- 

CRM for Higher Education by SalesBabu CRM
1. Track and recruit for more admissions  

The EduCRM for educational institutions helps them to target their prospective students and audiences. The education CRM software helps to automate their student recruiting cycle. The institutions can run email campaigns to track them.  

2. Lead tracking and allocation 

The EduCRM for educational institution  helps to find out sources of incoming leads. These sources can be bifurcated in different lead sources. The overall information is available on a single platform. 

3. Follow ups 

The education CRM software helps them to enhance the interaction, marketing campaigns etc. It enables the counselor to keep reminders against every enquiry and every lead. Auto notifications help them to follow the prospects without letting go the chance to speak to them.

4.  Scheduling of courses and fees reminders 

The education CRM software helps to track the overall activities related to student counselling and offered courses with their assigned fee structure. The CRM helps them to maintain the overall data of the student for future references. 

5. Increase in revenue 

There is an increase in the revenue because the CRM software ensures work productivity as most of the leads get converted into account successfully and reduces overhead expenses . 

6. Reduction in the cost of expense 

The CRM software helps you to allocate your priorities in different regions like advertising on social media, blogs and posts, road shows etc. As the CRM provides you a report with graphical representation which states ROI in terms of the invested amount. 

Read our blog – Are You Wasting Money & Time on Your Lead Source?

7. Maintaining good relationship 

The CRM allows to maintain good relationship with the customers and also ensures customer satisfaction. Every stage of the lead is been integrated with predefined SMS and mails. Personalized mails and SMSs can be sent to the students or the guardians which helps them to choose the right course and right educational institution.  

Read our blog – 5 Reasons you need to keep your CRM upto date

Benefits of SalesBabu EduCRM 

Enquiry Management

CRM is one single platform where all the incoming enquiries can be saved that turn out to be masters for the same.

  1. Helps in getting & tracking all the relevant details of the student
  2. It can be assigned to any user, without any problem.
  3. Helps in managing contacts of the student. 

Enquiries from multiple sources like phone calls, website, social media, etc. The first thing you need to do is capture the leads and keep them in one place so that they won’t fall through a crack. Then the second thing you should do is get back to the enquiries as soon as possible you can. In the term of marketing, it is called speed to lead and nowadays in a competitive environment, this has become one of the critical aspects in enquiry management. Education CRM is flexible enough to integrate with all the lead generation channels including chats, emails and phone calls, and notifies your admission team to act upon the new enquiries instantly.

Tracking of Student’s Enrolment & Admission

CRM maintains centralized processed data which helps the educational hubs to manage the complete data of prospective students & helps in managing the record for Enrolled & admitted students

  1. Store and manage complete details of student’s batch, roll no. and contact details etc.  
  2. Structured records can be used for future references.
Follow-up Management

All the counsellors can set up reminders for following every enquiry, so that, they can talk to that prospect accordingly. Auto notifications help them to follow the prospects without failing the chance to speak to them.

  1. It maintains the complete chain of communication with the prospective client.
  2. It keeps track of all the remarks & discussion with the students, in a single platform.
  3. It helps in effectively getting any lead to its final closure.
Improved Enrolment Process

With the use of CRM system all the counsellors & educational set-up will be able to keep a track of communication between admission enquiries received and improve enrolment process for students and staff.

  1. Educational Set-up can easily evaluate the worth of lead sources.
  2. They can make plans & strategies to make their marketing process more smooth and effective. 
  3. They can calculate their marketing budget & track ROI on these activities. 
MIS Analytics Reports

The educational CRM can track the general reports which consists admissions, student’s performance and dropout etc. 

  1. By the help of MIS, educational institution can easily get all the reports related to students, admission etc.
  2. They can easily track the performance, present brand image of organization. 
  3. They can also get the reports of Target vs. achievement of all counsellors without any time spent on preparing reports. 

There are still few educational institutions who have not implemented an educational CRM for their institution. The reason may also be that, they are unaware about the benefits of implementing a CRM in the institution. Educational institutions are also a business firm where the students are the customers allowing you to develop the institution and gain higher profits. At present there are several competitors even in the educational industry, thus implementation of a CRM system can help you be ahead of your competitors. 

Personalized Communication

One of the most important aspects of education CRM is personalized communication. It has the ability to communicate in scale. Organizations won’t be able to reply personally to each and everyone in concern. You need a virtual assistant who could answer all the queries with high relevance and with zero error. The CRM’s have come a long way and have powerful automation and communications which makes sure that you will go beyond the generic. Some advanced CRM software will come with a simple, drag and drop workflow builder in which you can sketch the applicant and student’s journey at ease.

Automate manual tasks using education CRM

Life of an admission officer is very tough. They must handle so many conversations at once. An ideal CRM will help officers to focus on counselling, not on the mundane tasks like eliminating the duplicate leads, maintaining ten spreadsheets for one lead, follow-ups, setting up the reminders on their mobiles or smartwatches. The CRM software must be flexible enough to fit into admission officers, not any other way.

How to choose the right CRM for educational institution? 

There many types of education CRM software available in the market. The right decision to be taken while choosing an education CRM software is to buy a license for a pre-build CRM. Mainly, you should know that the same CRM softwares do not fit every institution. Each institution’s requirements differs from the other. First make a list of all your requirements, goals and objectives. Then it becomes easy for you to choose the best CRM solution that suits your organisation.

SalesBabu Linledin

Which is the best CRM for educational institution?  

One of the most trusted CRM solutions is SalesBabu EduCRM that enables the educational institution with a lucrative platform that lets you manage the entire workforce effectively and prioritize every important task accordingly. SalesBabu EduCRM provides you freedom of paperless office, online registrations, process selection, automated reminders, marketing campaigns, personalized mails and SMSs etc. SalesBabu Edu CRM comes with a user friendly interface that is accessible easily at anytime. Thus, it provides a handful of advantages to enhance their revenue, ROI, brand name, client satisfaction, etc. To know more about SalesBabu EduCRM, visit our website You can also request for a free demo at SalesBabu.