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Changing Sales Trends: It’s More Customer Centric Now

The pace of sales in the market is drifted towards customer centricity. This term is gradually pacing up in the market. Customer centricity means focusing more upon the customers and their interest graph. The present day customers are more enlightened towards their choices and the product manufacturers or the service providers are also keeping this in mind to enhance their customer base. Your most loyal customers are the greatest source of quality leads and this fact can’t be underestimated by any vendor. Thus it requires a consistent market research to understand the demands and expectations of a customer. 

What does Customer Centricity means?

Customer centric culture in today’s panorama highlights its brand with a focused approach to understand customer expectations and accomplishing them. Though it is not about following customer interests blindly, but providing a feasible solution to their likes and concerns. Customer centricity includes understanding customer needs, incorporating their requirements in your product, giving a perfect customer support, and taking regular feedbacks and suggestions for future enhancements in their services offered.

Importance of Customer Centricity: 

For most businesses, success depends upon the sales, whether they make the sales with other businesses or to the customers. This is the main reason why we should create a positive customer experience from beginning to the end of a sale is so important. To do this effectively, you need each and every in your organization on the board, also if they do not interact directly with the customers. All the employees in the organization must know that no matter what their role is in the company, each person affects the customer experience. Telling in other words, you must create a customer-centric culture. Some other benefits of customer centricity are:

  • Better employee satisfaction and experience
  • Better bottom line results
  • Competitive advantage
  • Increase in customer retention
  • Increases the sales

Customer centricity and CRM

Many believe that CRM and customer centricity is the same concept with different names. Nevertheless, CRM software collects customer data and uses that intelligence to target and  optimize better marketing strategies. Whereas Customer centricity means how the whole organisation works around the needs and requirements of its customer as the center of their business decisions. SalesBabu CRM is one of the most trusted customer centric CRM software system which helps in not only managing overall business processes but makes sure every need and requirement of customers are placed as the centrifugal point of each decision taken in the organization.

Benefits of customer centricity: 

  • Identify opportunities of growth – By getting closer to your customers and market, you will discover many more new ways to sell your product and promote your services, also in new niches you will be able to target more revenue.
  • Build a productive company culture – Focus on customer services will create a more rewarding company to work for and also a more rewarding company culture. It is very hard to find a top-performing company that does not have its employees being well trained, supported and their involvement as an important focus of their operations.
  • Establish cost saving opportunities – By efficiently delivering your product and services, you could identify hidden cost-saving opportunities. Delivering your products and services at the right time and minimum time frame will make your company more productive.
  • Evolve a differentiated service and a unique competitive advantage – Each and every company will have its own way of doing the business, you won’t be able to know what your customers like about the way you work and the way you deliver your value. If you do not know or your customers didn’t recognize it themselves, then being customer-centric will help you to develop and promote your competitive advantage of the business. 

Best practices for becoming a Customer Centric Company

Understand your customer

Understanding your customer is the first step to start working towards customer centricity. Customers may have specific requirements, needs and personalised choices. Managing and tracking them individually using manual ways is highly inefficient. 

SalesBabu CRM uses a cloud based centralised database which collects and tracks every information related to a customer like contact details, interested products, demographic background, preferred communication channel and more.

These details help in understanding individual clients need and track them individually with targeted marketing campaigns for better sales results.

Analyze customer Data

Before helping your customers and your business, you should help yourself. We should constantly analyse our collected data to make more productive campaigns and policies for better  customer sales closure.

With a constant analysis of customer trends and their needs, the sales team to make more productive sales presentation for better advertising and marketing.

Customer centric staff

To achieve complete customer centricity for clients, the most vital step is to make our employee sensitive towards customer’s needs and concerns. Customer centric companies will have organised system of creating a customer centric environment through training and knowledge transfer to every sales employee, HR and other customer facing team.

Once we understand customer’s concern personally, we can work towards policies which can be more beneficial for customers as well as the organisation for bagging more clients with a better understanding of their pain points.

Activities like personal meetings, seminars and other public gathering help in understanding the customer’s point of view related to products and services provided by the company and use this gathered information to create better customer conversion rate for company’s products.

Feedbacks and Suggestions

Customers are the core of every sales process. Extensive market research and regular feedbacks and suggestions from the customers are essential to improve the product visibility in the market. Taking valuable feedbacks and suggestions also brings vendor closer to customer and help developing a positive relation between the two.

SalesBabu CRM provides facilities to integrate with different social media and web services to track customers reviews and online comments to understand the pain points and specific requirement to cater personalised interests and convert more prospects to long lasting customers.

A lot of knowledge base document and demos for various products will be available on the company’s web pages which help users to understand their products better and resolve any minute hindrances during product usage. SalesBabu CRM also makes sure a centralised system of complaint management is maintained and tracked with efficient activities and follow ups to understand customer’s concerns and take proactive measure to remove those issues for future clients.

Organised sales process

Lead management seems to be a very simple and non complex process, but gathering leads through different communication channels and recording every personalised requirement for each prospect is very complex as well as time consuming.

With SalesBabu CRM automated services, every lead information is registered into the repository which helps in further filtration and lead nurturing of prospects. With targeted lead nurturing process by understanding individual requirements, the sales team can send targeted email and demos to customers for their interested products in question. With more information on every required product, customers will be more comfortable to make deals with sales agents and provide more proactive decisions for sales closures. 

Also, SalesBabu CRM provides various facilities to create automated quotations and sales orders with promotional offers and other details added in every draft version to give a complete picture to the clients on the required amount for products payment. These facilities add ease and holistic view to sales closure and help in a better relationship between the clients and the company for a long lasting business model.

Customer Services

Apart from selling good quality products, the thing that holds much of the importance is the after sales support offered by the organization. Those companies are valued more by the customers who offer a strong after sales customer support. Thus, this is a sphere where every company needs to work.

SalesBabu CRM provides a variety of after sales support for inventory management and ERP facilities. Different features like challans, GRN and other delivery related features help to maintain a good relationship with customers with on time delivery and an efficient mode of tracking and management of product production and delivery.


Know customer Expectations and value them – This should be the motto of every customer centric firm. SalesBabu CRM provides an integrated solution for managing and tracking customer data in an efficient and more productive manner to improve a long lasting and revenue generating relationships with the customers.