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6 Quick Tips to Improve Lead Database Quality

A dirty database contains duplicate records, limited segmentation and incomplete information, spam notifications etc which makes it difficult to create targeted campaigns and engage the users. Thus, a clean database is much better and much reliable.  

Importance of lead database quality 

Improves customer relations 

Customers require quality products and better services. You can keep a track of contact details and requirements of the customers. If you are reaching customer’s expectations then you will surely generate more business and enhance revenue. It is easy to identify which customers are fruitful for you and which are not profitable. It increases the number of customers and growth of the company. Selling depends on approach, way of communication and proper follow-ups.

More consistent data 

Consistent data helps every department to stay on the same page when it comes to analyzation and meeting the needs of the clients. But, inconsistent data leads to duplicate mailings and keeps the organisational departments from reaching key clients. 

Here are 6 quick tips to improve the lead database quality – 

1. Eliminate Duplicate records 

Maintaining clean and accurate data is one of the most essential factors to improve lead database quality. Most of the time the marketers hesitate to automate de-duplication and prefer to look at duplicates and merge records manually due to eliminating the wrong records.  

2. Fix bad emails

Simple typos can riddle your database. Thus, you can revive the dead leads by fixing malformed email addresses in an automated way. Make sure you remove emails which read or etc should be removed in order to improve the bounce rate. 

3. Be aware how the sales team enters data 

The sales team creates leads or updates records with new information. Make sure that the necessary fields are updated accurately. 

4. Use job title data to segment your database 

A well segmented lead database is the foundation for personalized engagement and targeted campaigns. It includes segmentation by job function, job level, company size and industry etc. 

5. Eliminate inactive subscribers 

If an email subscriber has been dormant for a long time period, you can eliminate the inactive subscribers. It would be a better step to remove the contacts who do not engage with your target lead generation strategies, rather than leaving them. 

6. Use a great data management tool 

Lead Management Software helps you to capture all the generated lead in one cloud platform including the customer’s interest pertaining to particular product or services. It helps you to have all the records of generated leads with their nature and interest for future references as well.

Map your lead management process from capture till conversion with SalesBabu CRM Software. Before you choose the best lead management system for your business, make sure that you make a blueprint of the lead management process of your organisation. 

Lead Management Software 

Lead Management Software

Lead Management Software is an effective tool not only to track inquiries but also to capture details like lead source, date, industry, competitors, website, multiple contacts and a host of many other fields. You can easily get all the details of the customers and prospects in a single click. Once you have entered the lead or enquiry details in the software, you can make activities according to your interaction like follow-ups, e-mails, meetings, appointments and payment collections and also assign the lead and activity to an efficient sales rep.

Read our blog – Online Lead Management Software | SalesBabu CRM Software

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Online Lead Management Software features 

 Leads Database

Lead Management App Software helps you to capture all the generated lead in one cloud platform including the customer’s interest pertaining to particular product or services. It helps you to have all the records of generated leads with their nature and interest for future references as well.

Leads Source

Lead Tracking Software helps you to track down your lead sources which help your marketing team to manage their campaigns for leads generation & second to your sales team, who will come to know how customers inquired about their product or service.

Read our blog – Convert More Leads to Customers

Leads Assignments

Lead Tracker App helps you to assign leads to different individuals on one platform simultaneously. You can assign as many as leads to your sales team very easily, without any unexpected confusions or hurdles, so that they can do all justice to the leads.

Leads Management

Lead Management Software helps you to filter all your leads according to their priorities and interests. With the scope for future follow ups & sales pipeline, it helps your sales team to evaluate their leads database according to their degree of interest and thus helps in future closures.

Leads Follow Ups

Lead Management software helps you to make a funnel of overall leads and allows yours sales force to make necessary follow ups of day to day activities on one single platform, which enhances the probability of more closures and more revenue generation for the business.

Lead Qualification

Lead Management software helps you in the qualification of interested lead. It tells the prospective opportunities for sales which helps your sales department to draw effective focus on the leads and moreover helps to decide to take all necessary majors & efforts to close a fruitful deals.

Read our blog – Online Lead Management Software

Functions of Lead Management Software 

The functions of Lead Management Software – 

  1. Increases leads 
  2. Increase sales 
  3. Provides automated analytics 
  4. Provides centralized database
  5. Helps to understand customer’s needs, wants and requirements better
  6. Helps to prioritize VIP leads 
  7. Increases customer satisfaction 
  8. Increases company brand image 
  9. Enhances client retention
  10. Enhances cross-sell and up-sell
  11. Saves time 
  12. Provides flexibility 
  13. Cost effective 
  14. Improves accessibility 
  15.  Usage is fun and easy
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Lead Management App

Expertise in Implementation and Support :

A lead tracking app helps you to capture sales productivity and also makes customer satisfied. It also helps the organisation to be organised. There are also other software options which consume a lot of time, effort and money to implement. But if you invest in a cloud based CRM Software which comes with a lead tracking app, your work becomes easier and quicker. With the help of the lead tracker you can stay updated all the time. 

Benefits of Lead Tracking Software 

  1. Management of sales process is easy 
  2. Converts more leads into sales
  3. Delegates leads to right individuals for fast processing 
  4. Generates lead performance reports with MIS
  5. Provides valuable insights about prospects
  6. Prioritizing of leads based on interests and needs 
  7. Eliminates excess time consumption 
  8. Measures ROI (Return on Investment)
  9. Predicts the closure of particular lead 

Lead Management Process :

Step 1: Lead Acquisition

In the duration of lead generation activities, potential customers can be approached with the help of several channels such as email, websites, social media, paid advertisements, and webinars. An efficient lead management software assures the simplified integration of every lead into the CRM system with the help of web forms, emails, and chat, shielding any potential prospects from slipping through the cracks.

Step 2: Lead Enrichment and Monitoring

Whether in sales or marketing functions, it is imperative to reduce the time consumed in seeking for necessary details on each lead or getting occupied in manual data entry. A comprehensive lead management software tends to automatically populate a lead’s profile with publicly accessible details, involving job title, timezone, company name, location, and social media profiles. Such software also regulates the monitoring of lead activities on your website, that is pages visited, links clicked, resources downloaded, and email engagement.

Step 3: Lead Qualification

Efficient lead qualification includes utilizing a contact scoring model that ranks leads depending on their preference in your product or service, demographic details, buying journey, and interacting with your company. Such allows your team members to rapidly figure out the most promising leads, enabling them to pay attention to their efforts on closing deals.

Step 4: Lead Distribution

Time is of the basic aspect when it boils down to connecting with the leads, as a prompt response elevates the likelihood of winning them over. Manually allocating a bulk volume of leads to the suitable sales team representatives can be time-consuming and may result in delayed response times. Utilizing automated lead distribution assures a swift and efficient assigning of leads to the appropriate sales team representatives.

Step 5: Lead Nurturing

Many leads are still in the analysis or recognition phase, assessing whether your service can acknowledge their pain points. Lead nurturing objects at educating and demonstrating the importance of your product. Implementing a lead management software, you can begin to nurture campaigns addressing leads not yet ready to make a purchase. Such includes administering educational content and promotional offers to support them in their decision-making process, ultimately leading them towards a conversion.


Leads plays an important part in the business process. Thus, with the help of the lead management system you can filter leads and prioritize genuine leads. It increases the visibility of leads step by step when the accuracy of the data is retained. Building a high-quality database can be achieved by adopting some simple and relatively inexpensive practices or strategies.  

SalesBabu Cloud based CRM software has an effective online lead management app that comes with various features. SalesBabu lead tracker provides the best sales lead management system in order to grow your business. Moreover with the help of cloud integrated lead tracker, it is easier to access. If you want your sales and marketing departments to be aligned and also be productive, make use of the online lead management app. The deployment of online lead management system in the cloud will continue to gain traction because they offer scalability.

To know more about us, visit our website And feel free to request for a demo at SalesBabu Business Solutions.