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9 Dangerous Sins of Lead Management System

The software sales process can be perilous – even lead generation for your business software is risky if you don’t know what you’re doing. We’re not talking about risk to yourself, but to your business and to your bottom line.

In a market where one missed sales opportunity might turn into a social media meltdown and a string of bad press, you need to ensure your software sales process avoids critical mistakes that alienate your prospects. Even for sales conversations that don’t ultimately close, you should still leave a positive, lasting impression on the prospect.

Lead management system is an important part for your business to grow. You need new leads to come in so you can convert them into new customers. But, do you ever feel like your leads aren’t converting? Or you’re not capturing enough leads? Or maybe that you’re not getting the right leads? If you are facing these scenarios, then you may be making one of these seven dangerous sins of lead management system.

Here are the eight most dangerous”sins” or mistakes that many sales teams make throughout the software sales cycle – from initial lead generation to final close:

1> Your Form Submissions Are Working Against Your Expectations

It’s quite clear that visitors tend to leave a page if the signup request is too long.  We’ve all been there, admit it. Just like on a first meeting, you don’t want to ask for too much personal information too soon. New visitors typically just aren’t ready to divulge so much information about themselves. However, try to only ask for information that is truly needed, like a name, address and email, marking the necessary fields with an asterisk mark. A good thumb rule is to try to keep your form within 3-5 fields only. Remember, you can always ask for more information later on in your relationship.

And, another mistake is placing your form below the fold- meaning users have to scroll down to view your form page. As per Jakob Nielson, a web usability consultant who holds a Ph.D. in human–computer interaction, “Web users spend 80% of their time looking for information on top of the page fold. Although readers do scroll, they allocate only 20%  – 22% of their attention below the fold.” In addition to keeping forms on top of the fold, it is recommended to encapsulate them as well. You can obtain this by formatting forms with a framed box in a different shade from the background, which will make your form look different. Always remember to check and validate your form on  Lead Management App.

2> Your Form Submissions Aren’t Meeting Expectations

It’s noticeable that visitors are prone to abandon a page if the signup procedure gets too lengthy. We’ve all come across such scenarios just like in a first meeting, you don’t want to request too much personal detail too soon. New visitors typically hang back to disclose extensive information about themselves. Hence, it’s recommended to only gain necessary information, that is name, address, and email, with required fields marked with an asterisk. An effective rule of thumb is to restrain your form to 3-5 fields. Take in account that you can always request further information as your relationship increases.

Another common issue is positioning your form below the fold, necessitating users to scroll down in order to access the form page. According to Jakob Nielsen, a web usefulness consultant with a Ph.D. in human-computer communication, “Web users spend 80% of their time seeking information on top of the page fold. However, readers do scroll down, they assign only 20% – 22% of their attention below the fold.” To optimize form insights, it is suggested to maintain forms at the top of the fold and summarize them in a framed box with a different shade from the background. Make sure a comprehensive form validation and testing utilizing the Lead Management App.

Read more – Improve Your Sales Process

3> Failure to Optimize Your Lead Generation Pages for Mobile Apps

As officially verified by Google, more searches now take place on mobile devices than on computers in ten countries, involving the U.S. and Japan. Users are promptly discouraged when they come across distorted content on a landing page. Such pages are not only deficient in visual appeal but are also demanding to navigate without consistent pinching and zooming. Over time, this detrimentally affects your transformation rate and essentially directs visitors elsewhere. It is necessary to assure that your website and all landing pages are productive and optimized for mobile devices.

4> You’re Treating All Leads the Same

It is simply unrealistic to have a one-size-fits-all approach for potential buyers. The buying process is as individualized as the buyers themselves and involves a variety of different factors depending on each buyer’s different budget, timelines, and unique needs.

So, the best solution here is to offer more personalization for potential buyers. By segmenting the leads based on the above mentioned factors into smaller groups, you are then able to accommodate the buyer’s individualized needs. Remember that customization is essential to your campaign.

5> You’re Not Managing Leads Appropriately

In addition to treating leads with an individualized approach, it is also imperative that these leads are properly prioritized into a specialized database where they can be properly tracked. Not doing so could lead to a long, arduous process. Leads tend to dissolve if the buyer is not ready to talk to a sales rep. Organizing a useful database ensures that leads that require more information will be channeled to marketing team while more decisive buyers can be sent directly to the sales team. This will ensure that when the lead is funneled to another person or department, the efforts to engage are better targeted.

6> You’re Not Utilizing Social Media to Your Advantage

Social media has become an important route to generate leads via traffic and brand awareness. It is one of the way in multi-channel lead generation source. Social Media is a convenient resource for lead generation and is available with affordable cost. However, it is common for advertisers to find that they are not using these sources strategically to utilize its full potential.

An effective way to generate more leads from social media is to make use of blog posts, articles and offers by linking directly well-organized strategy that works well with your social media platform.

7> Ignoring Prospect Follow-Up

Just because an initial cold call didn’t end with an appointment or because the first in-depth conversation didn’t end with a close doesn’t mean your salespeople should ignore a prospect after that event. In fact, the lack of a follow-up may turn a prospect away from making a final decision on your software solution altogether.

Instead of just hoping a prospect returns to you, implement a robust lead nurturing campaign that ensures you never forget to follow up with every single contact in your lead database.

Read more – Are You Identifying Your Potential Lead Source

8> You’re Neglecting to Include Testimonials

An influential marketing tool used for generating new leads are reviews and testimonials. They often have a powerful impact and lend credibility to your offer. The reason you see so many testimonials out there is simply because they work.

Testimonials from your customers used in the sales cycle tend to generate confidence and trust. Customers are not always comfortable being the first to purchase a service or product. Knowing that an original person has already made the purchase and was happy and satisfied provides them comfort and proof of trust to you. When used perfectly, testimonials can be an integral portion of your lead generation process and produce successful output.

By avoiding these seven dangerous lead management system sins and evolving your lead management process to make it easier for customers to find and contact you, you can attract more customers. An online lead management system and lead tracking app solution can help you determine where your leads are coming from and what you need to do to keep leads from leaking from your sales funnel. 

9> Only Going After Hand-Raisers

Hand-raisers are those prospects that come to your company voluntarily, requesting more information on your business software and freely giving you their contact information. While these leads are the most qualified, your sales team shouldn’t solely focus on these prospects – if they do, your revenue won’t grow nearly as quickly.

Robust lead generation takes a lot of hard work, including plenty of cold calls and follow-ups. Make sure your team has the right resources and training under their belts so they pursue more than just hand-raisers.

Navigating around these eight dangerous sins of the software sales process ensures that your sales reps are using their time most effectively to set more appointments and finalize more deals. Even when a prospect encounter doesn’t result in a closed sale, avoiding these sins keeps your company’s reputation solidly intact.

Read more – How To Manage Multiple SALES Tasks

Some of the other sins of lead management system :

#Incorrect information 

Most of the businesses use historic data of customers and the information to decide future decisions. This is what almost all the business organization does. Sometimes this data will be old, faulty, and depending on this data which can be the worst business mistake. Use the fresh and clean database to achieve high profit in the sales performance. Organize the right database to reach out best of the business goals.

#Not organizing Marketing channels 

Use social media channels in an appropriate way. Social media is one of the convenient resources for the generation of leads and it is available at a very low cost. Social media will also improve the traffic and also the awareness of the brand through the internet which will result in generating leads. Use the blog posts, Facebook campaigns, email business, and also other few strategies. Then find out which one of them will bring the best results for your business and make efforts in that channel. So no need to waste much time on marketing through other social media channels.

#Ignoring ideal customers 

Some of the businesses treat the customers as everyone else which will lead to losing them. Lead generation strategy will only give the best results when you have the list of your ideal customers. You should research deep into identifying your best existing customers. When you know your potential customers, you can apply your strategies to them. Since the costumes are focused on you, thus you can provide essential information regarding the product and services for which they are not aware.

Advantages of Lead Generation for companies

A Best Sales Lead Management Software generation is a robust tool with many advantages which can help companies get new customers as well as increase their business in an online platform. These are the most important advantages:

  • Companies, through multi-channel registration forms, can obtain very crucial information about their target audience.
  •  It allows them to build databases with users interested in the brand. These databases can be used in the future and will be helpful to implement lead nurturing and lead scoring strategies.
  •  Lead tracker helps companies improve the loyalty of users to the brand.
  • Lead management app makes the feedback between company and user easier, speeding up their online sales processes.
  • Lead tracking software allows them to detect the most attractive areas for their potential customers.
  • Online lead management software helps companies to optimize their revenue from marketing by pointing out all the strategies to the users who are really interested in them.

Big thanks to online Lead Generation Software/Lead Management App, conversion rates (users to clients) can increase significantly. This is why, it is very useful to establish marketing strategies focused on lead generation, as you can get quality clients at the best affordable price.