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SalesBabu Tips to Boost Work-Life Balance Of Your Remote Employees

Due to the pandemic, COVID-19, there have been drastic changes in many things throughout the world. This had a huge impact on various fields of business, industries, IT, etc. Without even having the time to adjust, all the company and business organization staff and employees had to start working from home since we had to follow the protocols such as social distance to protect ourselves from the crisis. Working from home has been the biggest challenge for the employees as it is hard to balance work life and personal life. It has been more difficult due to the world healthcare breakdown. 

Since there was no time and everything changed suddenly, the employees had to start working from home without prior knowledge, it has been very difficult for them to work, and there are slight changes in the work they do and their personal life has been hard to balance too. This causes damage to their health by increasing the stress due to external pressure caused by unexpected working hours. This affects the mental health and behavior of your employees. They need to be given regular breaks during the working hours. Because of all these issues, it is very important to balance the work-life so that you can have positive and good productivity and wellness for your business organization. Hence, the important tips to improve the work-life balance of your remote employees are discussed in this section.

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Set up clear and transparent expectations

The employees tend to exploit the work limits when they are subjected to huge workloads. This happens only when there is no establishment of clear expectations. It will burn out their pace of work and it will cause performance degradation. Since you are working remotely, you need to be very clear and transparent in your expectations. You need to communicate regularly with them and make sure to tell them your expectations clearly. This will be helpful for them to mark their goals. set boundaries, and make proper work plans based on the expectations given. This will be very beneficial in many ways, they will be able to set goals and limits accordingly and complete them within the given time, this will help them balance their personal life too. 

You need to be interactive with them, and let them know their work is important and required. This will boost their confidence and they will be enthusiastic while working. With the help of our SalesBabu CRM software, you will be able to communicate with your employees on a single platform, where you can give clear instructions without any doubts. 

Flexible approach towards work

Remote work demands flexibility. Companies need to recognize this and offer their employees the freedom to balance their professional and personal lives. Without this balance, employees can experience burnout and suffer from mental health issues.

Given the current challenges many people face, businesses should prioritize results over rigid processes. To achieve this, allow employees to take regular breaks and allocate personal time. Set clear expectations and limit excessive work-related conversations. This creates a more relaxed environment where employees can work effectively and creatively.

SalesBabu CRM can help you schedule work and provide flexibility. It give them some extra time to nurture their lives. This develop a stronger relationships, builds trust, and boosts employee motivation and confidence. By prioritizing your employees’ you will be able to gain more trust and this will boost their motivation and confidence to work better.


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Must train the team leads and managers

To improve the work-life balance of your remote employees, your managers, and team leads must be aware of how things are going to be while working remotely. You must train your team leads and managers not to put too much pressure by providing multiple tasks and overtime duties to your employees. 

Managers and team leads should support their employees and tell them that they should not work overtime unless it is very important. They must allow their employees to work flexibly according to their comfort and must report if there are any concerns regarding the work. With the help of SalesBabu CRM software, your team leads and managers will be able to communicate with your employees more easily and effectively.

Train the team leads and managers

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Conducting wellness sessions

You will be able to improve the work-life of your remote employees by conducting wellness sessions and involving your employees in them. Allowing them to practice these kinds of activities will help them take some time off work and get associated with certain healthy habits. Hence, motivating your remote employees to participate in such events will be very beneficial. You must ensure the active participation of your employees in these sessions without overriding their work. Therefore, conducting and organizing such events is much required for the employees. With SalesBabu CRM software, you will be able to organize online conferences and contacts that make you contact your employees and allow them to attend the wellness sessions. 

Effective communication with employees

There may be times and situations where your employees might not be aware of work-life balance and the consequences related to it. It is your responsibility to make sure your employees are aware of the work-life balance and its consequences. Therefore, you need to educate and train your remote employees about the best practices to improve work-life balance. You need to help your employees to create proper schedules so that they can use their working hours effectively. It is important to encourage them to take breaks during working hours. 

This will help in improving your business productivity and encourages the employees to work more effectively and efficiently. Therefore, you need to communicate effectively with your employees to make sure they are motivated enough to work effectively for your organization. With the help of SalesBabu CRM software, you will be able to use its potential features to communicate with your employees effectively and motivate them to work well even remotely by improving work-life balance. 

Communicate effectively with your employees

Read our blog –  5 Key Actions Organization Can Take To Mitigate The Effects Of COVID-19

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Setting the best examples 

You need to advise your employees to practice work-life balance effectively and efficiently so that they will work better. But only advising will not be enough, you need to give them certain best examples for them to understand better. You need to set the best example for them by following the things that you have advised them to do. That is how you will be able to motivate your employees to work effectively without any confusion. So while you campaign them to do certain work, it is your responsibility to follow them too. If you advise them not to work late hours but you yourself work late hours, then they will assume that they also have to do the work late hours. Therefore, before you advise them about the work-life balance, you need to practice it yourself first. You need to tell them about the positive outcomes of the work that is going to be done and must set the best examples for them to follow. This is how you will be able to help your employees, especially the ones working remotely, to improve work-life balance and work better with enthusiasm and effectiveness. Therefore, you need to practice good ways of balancing work-life and set the best example for your employees.  

Optimize Important Hours

One of the efficient parts of working from anywhere is that multiple remote offices provide effortless working arrangements. While enabling staff to create their schedule, allow them to opt for the working hours when they are most alert and productive. A scheduled time of working during your peak hours shows that the staff will be much more effective and likelier to achieve your objectives rather than stretching out the working hours.

Enable Consistent Hours

Major tips for drawing a line between work and other unnecessary tasks is while working remotely is to be consistent at regular office hours. Along with remote work and comfortable working arrangements, it can be appealing to work whenever. Although, working with lack of steadiness can make it difficult to collect momentum and can lead to feeling confused about when the staff is available. Henceforth, it’s better to tag along a regular schedule. It might happen that a staff member could depart from the scheduled work for breaks, errands, or appointments, but such detours should not be too often. Hence, disciplining a staff member with this framework will make it rather much effortless to draw a line between “working hours” and “off time.” Beginning and ending at similar times per day can contribute to the team members’ mind transformation more systematically.


Due to the effect of the current pandemic situation, COVID-19, there have been drastic changes in everyone’s life. It has been affecting the work-life as well as the personal life. This might have caused the employees to stress out and the productivity might reduce. To avoid this, it is very important to improve work-life balance while working remotely. Hence, with our SalesBabu tips, you will be able to overcome the challenges of remote working and help your employees work better and effectively.