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Negative Technicians – How They Affect A Field Service Company’s Reputation

Many companies are well aware of the negative impacts and dangers of creating and developing a bad reputation on any social media platform and rating site. You need to adapt, a good online standing platform that has become essential to every business organization and everyone. However, these same business organizations and companies often neglect or show carelessness towards the one area or part of influence they have the most control over compared to the one that not only affects and damages the current customers and prospects but can also hinder future growth and success. 

All these issues, damages, and effects are usually the ones that come out of the mouths of your staff and employees, especially the mouths of field service staff and technicians. There are many technicians who say things to customers and prospects that would leave an impact on any manager speechless right before they blow their lid off.  It is not possible to stop all the negative talk, however,  there are a few ways and certain preventive measures that the managers can take as it will be helpful and it will protect the business organization or company’s name and fame. Hence, you must make sure to adapt the best field service management software and CRM software for the service industry along with the after-sales service management as it is important for the development of the business and to avoid the negative impact as much as possible. 

Read our blog – 10 Reasons To Use Online Field Service Management Software

Bad day negativity and its impact

It is a given and highly understood that everyone will experience bad and tiring workdays, and plenty of us will say certain things which might be harsh and negative especially during those times of frustration where things get out of control that we wish we could take back then. The technicians of your business organization and company are no exception and easy-going. Moreover, they should be certain to cut extra slack because they will do their jobs and work in front of customers and prospects as they rarely do. They have a period for cool-down after a frustrating repair and damage before interfacing and having interfered with an individual or user. Most prospects and customers will understand this, but sometimes and in some ways a manager will hear from someone who is appalled by your business organization and technician’s behavior that might be shown during a bad day or worst event. 

There are many ways that managers respond to various matters. In the case or any time after a tire store clerk has been yelled at by a person for asking any kind of simple question or important issue, his manager will defend his or her behavior. There is a saying that tells us we need to give him or her a break. He or she might be having a very bad day. They will not want any kind of excuses. You all might want someone to say sorry or apologize for the offensive or bad behavior which might annoy them. They might never go back to that particular store where they have been held, and they will make sure to tell everyone that they have encountered that particular day and how they will treat their prospects and customers. The worst and a bad thing a manager can ever do is make many excuses for bad and negative day outbursts, this will only lead to unnecessary negative impacts. They could have simply said that they apologize and that they are sorry for what has happened to make up for their employee’s and staff’s behavior. This way negativity can be stopped from spreading. 

Bad day negativity and its impact on business

Read our blog – Drive Business Growth With Field Service Management Software

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The negativity of change

A service representative’s day is never the same all the time, it might vary from situation to situation and time to time. But everybody will need some kind of stability to keep themselves grounded. That is why something which might seem very minor such as switching from a hardcopy machine log into a digital log might take a bit of risk. The greater the change and impact to a service representative’s day, the more negativity and its impact will be expressed to your prospects and customers. Many business organization’s managers will often assume that their staff and employees will have to handle these changes and impacts professionally, that is not always the case, there might be some changes and impacts too. 

Every technician must work closely with prospects and customers, with whom they have often established and maintained an easy rapport and flow. Unfortunately, that will make it easier and simpler to overshare. Here this is how you need to potentially prevent that venting. All the necessary changes that have a direct effect and impact on the everyday processes, operations, and procedures your service representatives use must be presented at a team meeting and event. There must be a time for questions and comments so that it can be followed by everyone as they get a chance to voice any kind of frustrations before they might get in front of the prospects and customers. Hence, you must make sure to adapt the best field service management software and CRM for the service industry along with the after-sales service management as it is important for the development of the business and to avoid the negative impact as much as possible. 

Read our blog – Field Service Management: 4 Tips To Effectively Manage Customer Complaints

Systems negativity 

Even though most of the field service management software technicians work alone, they are still reliant on certain systems that might hinder their performance and productivity. Certain parts that might fail prematurely such as computer glitches that might affect the call-dispatching and documentation procedures along with broken business processes and any other part of a business’s operations and procedures that are out of their control might easily become a route for complaints.

Many technicians might often criticize the bad systems they might rely on to excuse a slow procedure and repair, but what it is that they do not realize and they are essentially trying to tell the prospects and customers that their business organization might be incapable of offering the level and range of service they will deserve. This will also be a reason that can sour a customer’s and prospect’s view of your business and procedure. Educating and training your technicians is the quickest, easiest, and most effective way to prevent the consequence from happening. Hence, you must make sure to adapt the best field service management software and CRM software for the service industry along with the after-sales service management as it is important for the development of the business and to avoid the negative impact as much as possible.

Systems negativity and its impact

Read our blog –  Field Service Management Software

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The right attitude adjustment 

Many customers might have lost count of the number of business technicians they might have come to know over a few years, but they will be able to count the number of certain techs they might have encountered. Many technicians were born to fix certain things and parts, so pointing out the flaws and impacts in virtually everything is second nature to them. The best and positive news is that this is entirely possible and it will be good. Educating your technicians in prospects and customer relations will be the solution to the most. Whether it is a formal where the technicians are given certain scenarios or a team meeting that might address the concerns the customers might lay out here, many managers will need to broach the subject of what should be said and what should not be said to a customer or prospect. Hence, you must make sure to adapt the best field service management software and CRM for the service industry along with the after-sales service management as it is important for the development of the business and to avoid the negative impact as much as possible. 

Unorganized Way of Working

Field service technicians often face urgent situations, and those who are unorganized struggle to meet job requirements on time.  Being disorganized can make it difficult to meet these demands and provide quality service. Even though companies have laid down remarkable progress in such a direction by effortless access to the data about jobs, inventory, and further aspects of the job to resolve issues faster, efficient prioritization of activities is still an obstacle for several technicians.

Being consistently organized is not just about managing your job but also about managing yourself. Even if service managers schedule tasks accurately and technicians have mobile access to all necessary information, it is still the technician’s responsibility to arrive on time and complete tasks efficiently.

A skilled technician must learn to manage their time and themselves effectively. Any delay in resolving issues, for whatever reason, reflects poorly on clients and negatively impacts business performance, leading to increased turnaround times and lower service quality.

The field is a challenging environment, full of uncertainties.  One who is someone sitting in the office currently, they have a chance to help your technicians with motivation, guidance,data and digital tools to combat that space and provide the customer experience that will help gain the competitive benefits a business aspires to reach.


There will be negative impacts or sayings that are formed in the customers and prospects mind due to the reaction or behavior of them. Though it is quite unavoidable there are chances for the heads and managers to make these corrections and make sure to correct these mistakes and get back the customers and prospects to a good form and gain a good impact.