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COVID-19: How To Ensure Better Selling In The ‘NEW NORMAL’

The pandemic has shaken the world affecting the lives, industries, and business organizations. The government is working at its best to keep the country safe and help the people stay healthy and uninfected. They are even trying to maintain the economic situation of the country stable. The businesses including the small and medium, have been facing many challenges financially and are trying to use different strategies for selling. As we are not aware of how and when this pandemic might end, it is your responsibility to make sure to adopt new technologies, plans, and ideas to survive the pandemic called the COVID-19 and make your business run smoothly even during such a crisis. There are many strategies a business organization can follow to keep their business running well and to increase sales even during the pandemic situation. Let’s understand the strategies of how to increase your business sales even during a pandemic.

Evaluating your products again

The COVID-19 was totally an unpredicted situation that everybody is going through. It has not only hit our country but also the entire world. During such unpredictable situations, a business must be capable of understanding the quality of their products and the capability of the products and goods to attract customers. The pandemic has not been allowing people to travel around the world, so if your business is to sell products related to traveling such as tour bags, live events, and so on, it might be a loss to your company because of the pandemic. In order to avoid a loss to your company, you may need to remove such products and check which product might be suitable or which one can be a need during such a crisis. 

Since the pandemic has brought in rules such as lockdown, social distance, and people are staying at home most of the time, selling products such as home wear, masks, and so on would be a great change and might spike the sales of your business. Similarly, once there is an end to this pandemic, you might not need to sell the products that were implemented during the pandemic, but make sure to change the products according to the world’s current situation and must attract the customers to them. You must continuously keep re-evaluating the products and offerings so that you can make sure to keep your sales graph higher and always see the spike in the sales of your business. 

The following things must be kept in mind while selling products during the current situation, not only during the pandemic but at any time:-

  • Analyzing the products that will be more relevant to your customers and prospects.
  • Moving your products to online selling
  • Readjusting your service to attract more customers

Read our blog – 5 Applications Of Mobile CRM That Will Boost Your Sales Results

Communicating with your customers and prospects

Whether the pandemic exists or not, it is the responsibility of the business people to constantly communicate with their respective customers and prospects. But during such a pandemic situation, customer interaction and talking to them becomes much more important. Since the pandemic has hit hard, every individual might have been going through some of the other challenges and will be trying very hard to survive the crisis. You must be responsible enough to communicate with them and help them out with their requirements. Few customers might not be ready to buy your products due to certain reasons, it is you who must make sure the customer trusts you and get convinced and tell them that you are there for them and the doors have been opened again. You must put strength into your buyers and let them know that things can be worked better even during such a crisis. 

You must utilize your communication channels better and must make sure to be connected to your customers. Make very good use of the platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, and so on. You can send emails, use the live chat options, feedback forms, phone calls, and many such technologies available today. You must be careful not to disturb the customers during inappropriate times and bother them. You must be conscious about the time you are sending it. You must be careful about sending or delivering the correct information with appropriate details, not talking more and not talking less. 

The following can be kept in mind while communicating with your customers and prospects:-

  • Must be clear and transparent
  • Getting connected and being empathetic 
  • Training the communication team
  • Using the perfect medium for communication
  • Continuous monitoring and tracking
Communicating better with your customers and prospects

Read our blog – 8 Ways To Improve Distributor Sales Performance 

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Creating a Well-Structured Strategy

The inception of the unpredicted COVID-19 pandemic captured everyone off guard, leaving most without a predetermined strategy to navigate the crisis. Although, it is never too late to begin a comprehensive strategy that can mitigate obstacles and resist from a decline in business sales. Demonstrating strategies that safeguard against unfavorable impact on sales is imperative for sustaining stability and resilience in the times of uncertainty.

It is crucial to develop plans that ensure sales consistency at all costs. A successful business is one that can withstand several situations and crises, enabling for constant growth even in demanding times. While struggling for increased sales, it is necessary to remain vigilant, as the chasing of higher sales figures may most often result in unforeseen losses.

Business organizations must maintain caution when demonstrating strategies to support sales growth, as it directly coordinates with the stability of the company. The capability to elevate sales demonstrates trust from both existing customers and potential clients, even during demanding circumstances. When formulating a strategy, it is necessary to be prepared for the worst-case situations, considering the highly unfortunate nature of several situations, and have contingency plans in place.

Beginning the planning process needs conducting a comprehensive audit of the business. Evaluating areas where sales are reducing and pointing out the areas for enhancement are necessary steps. Understanding the effect of COVID-19 on sales, business, and industries is imperative. It is necessary to lay down proactive measures to address such obstacles and formulate strategies to overcome them.

Main considerations in the planning process involve:

  • Communicating with Customers and Collaborating: Interact with customers and promote collaborations to strengthen relationships and develop trust.
  • Assessing Supply Chain Risks: Analyzing the potential risks in the supply chain to assure the seamless flow of goods and services.
  • Re-examining Crisis and Continuity Plans: Consistently reviewing and updating crisis and continuity strategy to adapt to developing circumstances.
  • Maintaining the Revenue System: Introducing measures to maintain the revenue system, assuring financial stability at uncertain times. 
Perfect planning ahead

Read our blog – Start Your Sales Year Right: 12 Sales Tips to Reach Your Sales Goals in 2021

Managing your marketing strategy 

Since the pandemic has begun and we have no clue when it is going to end, the first thing to be done is to manage your marketing strategy. You should have brushed through your marketing strategy and made the relevant changes to adjust to the current situation and remove anything that was inappropriate or irrelevant.  Go through all your social media promotions, campaigns, email, and various other ways of marketing so that you can analyze and identify what needs to be changed or removed. It will be more relevant to think of various ideas to follow social distancing and approach the customers and prospects through virtual platforms in order to draw their attention towards your products. By doing this you can maintain your health as well as achieve good sales. You can make sure to protect your staff and customer’s safety and at the same time achieve increased sales. 

The following methods can be helpful to manage the marketing strategy:-

  • The message you are trying to convey to your customers and prospects must be very clear and transparent.
  • Learn to use a sympathetic tone of voice as many of the customers and prospects might be going through hardships at these times. 
  • Never approach the pandemic with inappropriate humor.
  • Do not always carry a serious look, smile instead, and let them remember your service for a lifetime.
  • Never take advantage of the pandemic and advertise your products, customers might be able to make out that you are doing so and it is not a good practice too.
  • Never advertise the products that are out of stock in case you have an advertising agency.

Read our blog – Three ways to kick-start your sales force

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There is no exact prediction of when the pandemic might stop as it has been increasing in some places and decreasing in a few. Since it has a high impact not only on the common people but also on the businesses and industries, it is the responsibility of the business organizations to make sure that the business is able to increase its sales and maintain a good revenue system using certain strategies and ideas. Therefore, when the organization is capable of applying certain actions into their business plans, it becomes easy to ensure better sales in the “NEW NORMAL”.