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Top 10 Benefits of a Unified CRM

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) not only enables you to provide better relationships with customers but also renowned for managing and elevating a company’s sales and marketing efforts. Cloud based CRM  system stores the customer’s data in a centralized database in the cloud.

Marketing automation focuses on the earlier stages of the sales funnel, where leads are generated and the qualified leads are prioritized. When the CRM is integrated with marketing automation, salespeople are able to view the status of the lead as they move down the sales funnel in the CRM database. Online CRM software, automatically assigns the right lead with the right salesperson for conversions. These automated communications help you to manage your sales effectively and efficiently.

As CRM is moved to the cloud it is widely used in big and small businesses. The companies which deployed CRM several years typically moved through three maturity stages

  • Departmental CRM – Initially companies used a small piece of CRM within the teams. Each team has different functions and the need for CRM also differs. But with this approach, it is hard to get a single view of the customer.
  • Integrated CRM – Hence, integration is necessary between the teams to have a complete view of the customers. It deeply integrates the application between the teams. Yet the business application and the system administration application differ and the data must be justified.
  • Unified CRM – A unified CRM has singular business and system administration applications. It offers a unified consistent way to manage data across the applications.

What is Unified CRM?

A unified CRM that incorporates various business functions such as sales, marketing, customer services, contact management, project management in a central CRM platform. It enables you to streamline your business process with a continuous data flow between different teams. It automates the manual task and allows you to grow your business effectively and efficiently with a better customer experience.

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In this article, we discuss on top 10 benefits of a unified CRM and how effectively it enhances your sales.

  1. Automated Data Flow

Cloud-based CRMs are a game-changer because they do a lot of the work for you. Instead of manually entering data, the system does it automatically. This means you can spend less time on paperwork and more time on what matters.

Imagine this: You make a sale. The information about that sale is automatically shared with your project team. This helps them get started on the project right away, without any delays.

And it gets even better. When you connect your CRM to other business tools like accounting or project management software, everything stays in sync. So, if a customer makes a payment, your billing system knows about it immediately. It’s like having a personal assistant that keeps everything organized.

Read more: SalesBabu Sales Force Automation CRM Software 

  1. Streamline Sales Process

Unified CRM enables you to streamline your sales process right from lead generation to invoice generation. Marketing automation enables you to market your product or services by email campaigns. Leads are generated through multiple channels of marketing. Online CRM software enables to determine the source of lead generation and identity the qualified leads for the sales process and prioritize the qualified leads. This online CRM software automatically assigns the right lead to the right salesperson for sales conversion. This cloud based CRM system also enables you to set up meetings and provide estimates quickly with quote management software. 

Streamlining the sales process enables you to determine each stage of the sales process and also helps you to push the leads down the sales funnel.  It also helps you to provide quick responses to your customer’s queries and keep updated with your product benefits.

Read more: Streamlining & Increasing Sales through SalesBabu CRM

  1. Reduced Cost

SalesBabu CRM (CRM software India) is the best CRM software that enables you to control all your teams and process in the single CRM platform by integrating the applications. It is crucial to have effective communication between the teams to avoid redundancies. Best CRM software is cost-effective and allows you to manage all business processes under one roof. It enables you to track the reports regularly and allows you to analyze the expenses are within the budget limits. These reports will also help you identify where you have to focus more on enhancing your sales and managing your expenses. With minimal investment in the best CRM software equip with lots of benefits.

  1. Elevating Customer Experience for Business Growth

In the complicated landscape of business functions including the diverse departments, each with articulate functionalities and distinctive application requirements, information sharing among team members mostly relies on manual processes. Such gradual integration of individual applications takes a lot of valuable time, keeping projects on hold, postponing completion, and inflating expenses. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software not only promotes robust customer relationships but also organizes team interaction. Its seamless integration attributes regulate the prompt and effective connection of business applications with CRM, delivering project team members with immediate access to updated information. Such accelerates project delivery and ensures efficient collaboration.

  1. Elevating Customer Experience for Business Growth

Delivering an exceptional customer experience is imperative for business growth. Customer satisfaction not only improves relationships but also generates imperative referrals. SalesBabu CRM, a customer-centric CRM software in India, gives importance to customer experience by providing superior customer services.

Online CRM, when integrated with service CRM, encourages businesses to productively maintain customer services. Prompt responses to customer concerns are regulated through a cloud-based system that manages communication histories. A vigorous ticket management system efficiently manages and acknowledges customer complaints. Such integrated approach assures better services, systematic warranty process management, and a minimization in manual tasks. With cloud CRM, businesses can invest time in creating strong customer bonds, contributing to an entirely enhanced customer experience.

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Read more : How To Reduce Costs In Small Business

  1. Reduced Manpower and Resources

With cloud based CRM software, most of the manual tasks are automated and reduces manpower. It allows you to focus on important tasks and enhance your sales and services. The single cloud based CRM system controls your complete business process, it automatically reduces the resources you need for the business process. As the data is stored in the common CRM platform there is no storage space required. It also allows you to work remotely with its easy accessibility.

  1. Lead Conversion

It is also important for the marketing and sales team to get aligned to generate more leads and for the effective conversion process. The marketing brings leads for the sales through various sources of marketing, online CRM software enables the salesperson to get aligned with the marketing team and determines the qualified leads quickly, and engages them for conversion. The marketing aligned with the sales team enables to understand which marketing strategy brings more qualified leads for the business. This helps both the marketing and sales team to work together in the CRM platform and achieve the sales target and generate more revenue for the business.

  1. Complete View On Reports 
Track your reports

SalesBabu CRM ( CRM software India) enables you to track daily sales activities. It helps you to determine the ways to enhance daily sales activities to achieve the sales target. Online CRM software also allows you to track the reports. These reports enable you to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your business. These reports help to keep control of your expenses to generate increases ROI. This online CRM is mobile friendly which allows you to track the reports with mobile CRM. This mobile CRM helps to track your daily sales activities remotely from wherever you are around the clock. 

  1.  Multi-Channel Marketing

Cloud based CRM system is integrated with other applications like email, social media applications like Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, and Instagram. It also allows you to market your products through email campaigns and the social media spheres. Even mobile CRM, allows you to market your products through multiple channels from wherever you are. When the leads are generated with this marketing automation, the salespeople track the qualified leads with CRM for conversions.

  1. Single software Installation

Having different software and applications to perform different functions is difficult to manage. Having cloud based CRM  system enables you to manage complete business processes under one roof. With single software set up, online CRM software helps you keep your business process streamlined and organized. It also enhances your team coordination to complete the business process effectively and efficiently. Mobile CRM helps you track and manage your business process remotely.


The market provides you with many software to effectively manage your business process and customer support. Unified CRM  with complete integration of your business functionalities provides greater benefits for your business to grow in this competitive world.

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