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Productivity Rules for Employee Efficiency

You should be proactive to make important decisions. Focus on activities that produce the results you really want. Most people are continually in reactive mode. Proactive person grabs the opportunity and don’t wait for long time.

  1. The Role of Productivity in Organizational Success:

Productivity, concerned both productivity and effectiveness, emerges as a keystone for organizational success. It’s commonly impacting every aspect of an organization. In a market competition, productivity stands out as an important factor of revenue growth.

  1. Setting Goals for Success:

Clarity of goal is important for success. Organize targets and formulate strategies to reach your goals. Quickly determine the “what” and “how” of your actions. In the competitive landscape, leverage smart strategies to deliver optimal quality to your customers.

  1. Deadlines Drive Results:

Establish deadlines on necessary projects to harness your time, efforts, and resources effectively. Obtain stellar results and move your business to new heights through dedicated hard work and well-crafted plannings.

  1. Strategic Activity Planning:

For sales professionals, cautious scheduling of daily activities is important. Reminders deliver an imperative role in ensuring that no task is missed by your sales executives. Break down major tasks and demonstrate a comprehensive business plan.

  1. Use Technology for Organization:

Organization is necessary for productivity. Discard conventional paperwork and sticky notes; encourage Online CRM software for streamlined organization. Such advanced tools regulate the organization of customer information, payment information, leads, opportunities, quotations, and sales orders, assuring a well-organized and efficient workflow.

A recent survey shows that employee working from home are more productive that employee works in office. In fact, nearly 75 percent of employees in the survey said unless and until they have some important work, they will not go to office. More than 50% of employees prefers to work from home, nearly 8 percent prefers co-working area, coffee shop or other outside location.

Here are some ideas How to boost employee’s productivity:

  1. Hold Few Meetings: Before calling a meeting chalk out the agenda of the meeting. Make a note of the points you need to discuss with your employees. For Essential meetings, use agenda, set time limit. Always keep your meeting short. You can also hold meetings at the times when they are less likely to interrupt.
  2. Cut back on Interruptions:Don’t interfere much in your subordinates work. Clearly give instruction to him once and then wait for result. Give them dead line for work, if they don’t complete it in the, then you need to talk with the employees.
  3. Reduce Distractions:Many of the employees complain that they are not getting proper place to work for, give them space to work like cubicles or partitions so that they get some privacy, or allow them to use headphones to cut down office noise. Always hold your meeting in a closed room, so that the other employees would not get affected by your noise.
  4. Make them Comfortable: More than half of employee in a survey says they are more productive at home because the atmosphere is more comfortable. Giving them lounge area and comfortable sofas to seat, instead of boring table and chairs, will make them feel more comfortable and they will be work more happily.