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How Many Hats You Have To Wear As Sales Manager

Sales Manager is responsible for driving sales and sales team. Being a manager, he stands responsible for the success and failure of the sales department. He should be an inspiration for his team to be productive and successful to achieve targets. He is responsible for Training his team for best results and develop executive’s negotiation skills. He should always monitor performance of sales team, each product and services offered by company and take corrective step for content high sales performance in the interest of the company.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Sales Manager:

  • Sales Manager is responsible to meet sales targets with effective budgeting and planning.
  • He sets targets for the sales team and, ensure that the target should be achievable.
  • Duty of Sales Manager includes to map potential customers and to generate more opportunities for the organization.
  • Sales Manager is also responsible for the promotion of brand.
  • Being a manager – team motivation is one of the important responsibility of a sales manager. He should make his team working towards a common goal. His team members should share pleasant relationship. Arrange incentives and rewards to encourage the team. When team is encouraged they will deliver their best. Appreciate them when you get desired work.
  • Track team’s performance and manage performance reports
  • A Sales Manager should be able to understand who can perform particular task better. He should extract the best from each employee.
  • Being A Team Manager Give Your Sales Team The Tool That They Need
  • Recognize the achievements of your team