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Happy Independence Day, India

67 years have passed when India saw the dawn of independence from British regime.The Liberty to express itself and create its identity. After hundreds of years of miseries and intense sufferings and hundreds of human sacrifices, our motherland was bestowed with freedom from the foreign rule. This freedom ensured a better state, freedom of speech and expression for all the citizens , equality and justice to all the residents of the country and ensuring a better state to live in for everyone

Are We Efficiently Empowering Our Nation …

India this year is celebrating its 67th independence day. Amidst all the enthusiasm, celebrations and declarations, one has a lot of questions swirling in the mind promptly. The questions asking for the promises offered by the politicians, justification of those promises, the questions asking for the country’s growth, empowering the economy, ensuring better life for the common being, better education facilities…… Do these questions have a pause??? Are we doing justice to our motherland…

Yes, we have got independence  day in terms of the regime, but what is engulfing us has really made this independence pathetic. Everyday increasing corruption, sobbing eyes, hungry people, inflation, this all is what are seen as the prominent repercussions of the insensitive politics. The social and the political issues are getting intense day by day and the country is overwhelmed by her own insensitive and irresponsive governace

Youth  Empowerment  Is Must

This country has the highest number of youngsters and this young nation promises great future. Our former president Mr. Abul Kalam has said   “My message, especially to young people is to have courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed. These are great qualities that they must work towards.”

Of course, empowering the youths of the nation is absolutely imperative to strengthen the country and eradicating the social evils that are swallowing the societal consciences. Giving better education, and better intellect, the youths should be motivated to contribute their finest services to their country.

So Let’s celebrate this independence day with a strong pledge to serve our country with a better vision, and stronger dedication to have a better sunshine for the posterities

Vande Matram