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How the CRM software is better than managing Sales manually?

CRM means Customer Relationship Management the concept of a planned and structured means of managing the relations with your customers. CRM tool allows a business to manage customer relationships in a structured and organized way. SalesBabu Customer Relationship Management application enables sales team to register queries, identify qualifying leads, ensure effective follow- up and capture utmost information about customer’s requirement.

Advantages of Using CRM Software Over Manual Processes:

Instant Access to Information: CRM software assures real-time accessibility of sales and marketing information, providing instant access at any given time.

Efficient Information Sharing: Relevant information can be promptly shared across the enterprise without the requirement for lengthy emails or telephone calls.

Daily Call Report & Pop-up Alerts: The need for the manual entry of Executive Daily Call Reports is reduced with CRM software. Pop-up alerts support executives stay on top of their activities, saving a considerable amount of time.

Effective Sales Meetings & Track Record: With comprehensive information accessible to all users, the time spent on report preparation is minimized. Monitoring executive activities becomes more effective and productive.

On-Demand Concept: CRM software, being online, allows information entered in one location to be instantly accessible worldwide. Users in branch offices are effortlessly connected to the head office through a web browser.

Additional Features of CRM Software:

Best Available Sales & Marketing Tool: CRM software automates daily sales, marketing, and customer support processes.

Data Management: Regulates the collection and storage of large volumes of customer information accessible to several members of the organization.

Increased Efficiency: Provides managers with an effective tool to streamline CRM communications. 

Better Quotation Management: Streamlines access to principal/product data and the sending of quotations.

CRM in Real Sense: Ensures timely and productive fulfillment of customer requirements.

Customer Service: Allows the users and companies to benefit from productive customer service management.

Easy Set-Up: Online availability reduces the requirement for installation, enabling the immediate use upon subscription.

Predictable Expenses: CRM services functions on set fees, providing predictability and reducing the escalating installation and feature expense.

Mobility: The CRM software application is inherently mobile, delivering anytime, anywhere access with an internet connection.

Reduced Overheads: CRM software service providers maintain servers and deliver regular online updates, minimizing IT costs.